
The Moral Vision of Pope Francis

Expanding the US Reception of the First Jesuit Pope

Conor M. Kelly and Kristin E. Heyer, Editors

"Pope Francis has a tendency to unsettle the Church by tackling uncomfortable questions in unnerving ways. The authors in this volume offer helpful and admirable guidance in untangling these confounding issues. They provide context for Pope Francis's particular emphasis on ministering to the marginalized and actively listening to ignored voices. For anyone seeking to understand Pope Francis's complicated relationship with the Catholic Church in America, this volume lights the path." —Christopher M. Belitto, Professor of History, Kean University, Author of Humility: The Secret History of a Lost Virtue (Georgetown UP, 2023)
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A thoughtful reflection on how the "Francis revolution" can address the practical concerns of ordinary Catholics on a range of contemporary issues

The papacy of Pope Francis has ushered in remarkable changes for the Roman Catholic Church. From a new emphasis on collegiality in ecclesial governance to a transformed set of public priorities for the global Church, Francis's unique model of pontifical leadership has far-reaching implications for virtually every aspect of Catholic practice. Catholic moral theology—particularly in the United States—has still not grappled fully with the emphases of Francis's pontificate.

To address this lacuna, The Moral Vision of Pope Francis brings together a range of Catholic ethicists to reflect on Pope Francis's implicit approach to moral theology, establishing the unique insights of this first Jesuit pope. This evaluation of Pope Francis's teachings and actions draws out the moral vision animating his work and demonstrates how his moral vision should apply to Catholic ethical reflection on a range of contemporary issues.

The Moral Vision of Pope Francis shows how the "Francis revolution" meaningfully addresses the practical concerns of Catholics in the United States.

Table of Contents


Introduction, Conor M. Kelly and Kristin E. Heyer

Part I: Foundations
1. The Moral Theology of Pope Francis: Contextual, Collaborative, Charitable, and Not Always Clear, Lisa Sowle Cahill
2. Responsive Listening: Giving Recognition and Empowering the Voices of Those Long Ignored, James F. Keenan, SJ
3. Pope Francis: Virtue Ethicist? Conor M. Kelly
4. Pope Francis's Ecclesial Ethics: Mercy, Subsidiarity, Justice, Elyse J. Raby
5. Pope Francis's Social Ethics: Advocacy for Economic Justice and Equity, Thomas Massaro, SJ
6. The Preferential Option for the Poor: Incarnational Theology in the US Context, M. T. Dávila

Part II: Applications
7. An Ever Wider We: Pope Francis's Migration Ethics, Kristin E. Heyer
8. Pope Francis, Antiracist? Revealing the Heart in a Time of Racial Reckoning, Maureen H. O'Connell
9. The Twilight of Dissent: Pope Francis and LGBTQ Persons and Morality, Bryan N. Massingale
10. The Work of the Spirit, or Machismo with a Skirt? Feminism, Gender, and Pope Francis, Megan K. McCabe
11. A Discerning Bioethics: Francis's Threefold Approach, Andrea Vicini, SJ
12. Francis's Peace Ethics: Beginning from the "Wounded Flesh of the Victims", Laurie Johnston
13. Pope Francis's Ecological Ethics: A Constructive Application for a Climate "Revolution" in the US Catholic Church, Daniel R. DiLeo

Conclusion, Conor M. Kelly and Kristin E. Heyer



"Pope Francis has a tendency to unsettle the Church by tackling uncomfortable questions in unnerving ways. The authors in this volume offer helpful and admirable guidance in untangling these confounding issues. They provide context for Pope Francis's particular emphasis on ministering to the marginalized and actively listening to ignored voices. For anyone seeking to understand Pope Francis's complicated relationship with the Catholic Church in America, this volume lights the path."—Christopher M. Bellitto, professor of history, Kean University, author of Humility: The Secret History of a Lost Virtue (Georgetown UP, 2023)

"An important contribution to Catholic theology and ethics, this book brings together scholars who are committed to engaging Francis with honesty and clarity. Their conclusions are both constructive and hopeful. This volume deserves to be widely read in seminaries and graduate programs in Catholic theology and ethics and should be acquired by university and seminary libraries. It will certainly generate fruitful public discussion as we enter the messiness of a synodal process in the global Church. Highly recommend!"—Emily Reimer-Barry, associate professor of Christian ethics, University of San Diego


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About the Author

Conor M. Kelly is an associate professor in the Department of Theology at Marquette University. He is the author of Racism and Structural Sin: Confronting Injustice with the Eyes of Faith (2023) and The Fullness of Free Time: A Theological Account of Leisure and Recreation in the Moral Life (Georgetown University Press, 2020). Kristin E. Heyer is professor of theological ethics in the Theology Department at Boston College. She is the president of the Catholic Theological Society of America (2023–24) and the author or editor of multiple books, including Christianity and the Law of Migration (2022) and Kinship Across Borders: A Christian Ethic of Immigration (Georgetown University Press, 2012).

270 pp., 6 x 9 x .688

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