C'est ce qu'on dit with Website is a second-year (intermediate-level) companion textbook to the beginning-level textbook Comme on dit, and as such follows the same basic format and principles: students work with hundreds of samples of authentic, nonscripted spoken and written French and are led in a step-by-step manner from rule discovery to the acquisition of speaking, reading, writing, and listening competence. The homework activities and inductive presentation of grammar guarantee a completely student-centered approach, as student input is required in each and every exercise. Given the more advanced focus of C'est ce qu'on dit, exercises lead students to expand their competence not just with conversational registers but with formal written and spoken registers, as well. The accompanying companion website–included with the book–offers audio and fully integrated exercises to use alongside the text.
Programs that take advantage of the full range of speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar, and cultural expansion activities in C'est ce qu'on dit will find it to be a robust standalone program; however, in the event that programs prefer to include an outside content component, suggestions are offered in the preface and throughout each unit for ways to free up classroom time. By the end of C'est ce qu'on dit, an average student can be expected to have attained the competency objectives described as Advanced-Low on the ACTFL proficiency scale and as a B1 level on the Common European Framework scale (CEFR).
To aid instructors in effectively implementing this distinctive approach, the Teacher's Edition textbook comes with answers for all activities, plus teaching notes in the margins and extensive ancillary resources online.
For Instructors: Please submit print exam and desk copy requests for the Teacher’s Edition using ISBN 978-1-64712-213-3. The Teacher’s Edition includes answers for all activities, plus teaching notes in the margins.
Table of Contents
Unité 1 : Qu'est-ce que tu fais quand tu as du temps libre?
Parler de vos activités de loisir :
Ce que vous faites régulièrement, si c'est souvent, depuis longtemps
Ce que vous avez fait récemment
Ce que vous avez fait dans le passé, pendant combien de temps, pourquoi vous avez arrêté
Unité 2 : Le cinéma
Parler de films
Unité 3 : Week-ends et vacances : quand j'étais petit/e..., quand j'étais ado...
Parler de ce que vous faisiez d'habitude pendant les week-ends et les vacances quand vous étiez petit/e et ado
Unité 4 : Qu'est-ce que tu fais comme études?
Parler de vos études : au lycée, à l'université, ce que vous devez faire, ce que vous aimez ou n'aimez pas, etc
Unité 5 : Raconter une histoire au passé
Raconter des anecdotes au passé
Unité 6 : Sorties
Suggérer une sortie ou une activité commune
Inviter quelqu'un chez vous ou au restaurant
Accepter ou refuser une invitation
Commander dans un restaurant français
Unité 7 : La santé
Parler des petits ennuis (problèmes) de santé, des symptômes et des médicaments associés
Demander conseil et acheter des médicaments dans une pharmacie
Raconter comment vous vous êtes cassé ou foulé quelque chose
Unité 8 : Parler de ses obligations, de ses projets et de l'avenir
Parler de vos projets immédiats et à plus long terme
Parler du futur : où vous serez et ce que vous ferez dans le futur
Parler des tâches ménagères
Unité 9 : Hypothèses
Faire des hypothèses
Exprimer des regrets
Faire des reproches
Unité 10 : Raisonnements
Exprimer votre opinion, organiser votre raisonnement à l'aide de connecteurs logiques
Unité 11 : Interactions
Raconter des rencontres et des interactions
Rapporter une conversation
Unité 12 : Francophones
Parler de langues et de cultures
About the Author
Claude Grangier is a senior lecturer and the French Language Coordinator at the University of Chicago. With an academic background in philosophy, she has devoted over forty years to teaching French as a foreign language, researching foreign language teaching methodology, and developing language learning materials.
Nadine O'Connor Di Vito is a senior lecturer and former director of Romance Language Programs at the University of Chicago. Specializing in sociolinguistics and discourse analysis, she has developed and analyzed several corpora of French spoken discourse. She is the author of Patterns Across Spoken and Written French: Empirical Research on the Interaction Among Forms, Functions, and Genres as well as numerous articles in sociolinguistics and foreign language teaching and acquisition.
Marie Berg has been a lecturer in French at the University of Chicago for over ten years, during which time she has been teaching and developing material for third-year students.