
Comme on dit with Website, Teacher's Edition

Première année de français

Claude Grangier and Nadine O'Connor Di Vito

"Focusing on authentic French discourse and texts, this exciting new first-year textbook allows students to discover French grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, and culture and to engage in meaningful interactions. It also provides students with important linguistic and sociolinguistic insights into the use of French in a wide range of contexts."—Stacey Katz Bourns, Northeastern University
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Comme on dit with website, a comprehensive first-year French textbook program, engages students in the learning process from day one using an inductive methodology centered on guided observation and rule discovery. Together with students' communicative needs and an analysis of their most pervasive transfer errors from English, the everyday speech patterns of 100 native speakers—culled from 150 hours of unscripted recordings—form the linguistic backbone of the method. The accompanying companion website–included with the book–offers audio and fully integrated exercises to use alongside the text.

Students examine, compare, and contrast this wide variety of authentic discourse to discover both individual and shared language use and cultural perspectives. Additionally, students systematically and progressively acquire the fundamental sounds and rhythmic patterns of spoken French, which leads them to develop solid pronunciation and conversational fluency as well as notable listening comprehension skills. By the end of one academic year, students with no prior French instruction can expect to achieve Intermediate-Mid to Intermediate-High proficiency on the ACTFL scale.

To aid instructors in effectively implementing this distinctive approach, the Teacher's Edition textbook comes with answers for all activities, plus teaching notes in the margins and extensive ancillary resources online.


• Emphasis on providing students with the tools and skills to help them communicate early on about topics relevant to them and their daily lives

• Equal focus on all four major skill areas—reading, writing, listening, and speaking—and on the establishment of a solid grammatical and lexical foundation

• Over 1,000 audio and video files, giving students ample material to practice listening to French as it is spoken by native speakers

• Over 250 snippets of written authentic discourse, ranging from book titles to proverbs

For Instructors: Please submit print exam and desk copy requests for the Teacher’s Edition using ISBN 978-1-64712-212-6. The Teacher’s Edition includes answers for all activities, plus teaching notes in the margins.

Table of Contents

Preface for Students

Preface for Instructors


Unité 1: Bonjour!

Unité 2: Au revoir!

Unité 3: Je m'appelle

Unité 4: Tu as quel âge?

Unité 5: Qu'est-ce que tu aimes comme musique?

Unité 6: La date et l'heure

Unité 7: Une baguette s'il vous plait!

Unité 8: Mes affaires, mon logement

Unité 9: Qu'est-ce que tu aimes comme boissons?

Unité 10: Qu'est-ce que tu fais comme études?

Unité 11: Tu vas oú?

Unité 12: J'aime, je vais, je peux

Unité 13: Dans les magasins

Unité 14: Le petit déjeuner

Unité 15: Je cherche la poste

Unité 16: La famille

Unité 17: lls sont comment?

Unité 18: Qu'est-ce qu'ils font comme profession?

Unité 19: Oú est-ce qu'ils habitent?

Unité 20: Oú est-ce que tu es nè/e? Oú est-ce que tu as habité?

Unité 21: Nationalités et langues

Unité 22: Il fait quell temps?

Unité 23: Tu fais de l'exercice?

Unité 24: Qu'est-ce que tu aimes comme films?

Unité 25: Qu'est-ce que tu portes?

Unité 26: Qu'est-ce que tu as fait pendant les vacances?

Unité 27: Les amis

Unité 28: À quelle heure tu te lèves?

Unité 29: Tu es artiste?

Unité Qu'est-ce qu'on mange?

Listes de vocabulaire

Instruments de musique

Manager et boire

Matières au lycée et à l'université



Types de sport et d'activé physique

Vêtements, chaussures et quelques accessories

Index général

Index de prononciation

Photo Credits


"Focusing on authentic French discourse and texts, this exciting new first-year textbook allows students to discover French grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, and culture and to engage in meaningful interactions. It also provides students with important linguistic and sociolinguistic insights into the use of French in a wide range of contexts."—Stacey Katz Bourns, Northeastern University


Supplemental Materials


About the Author

Claude Grangier is a senior lecturer and the French Language Coordinator at the University of Chicago. With an academic background in philosophy, she has devoted over forty years to teaching French as a foreign language, researching foreign language teaching methodology, and developing language learning materials.

Nadine O'Connor Di Vito is a senior lecturer and former director of Romance Language Programs at the University of Chicago. Specializing in sociolinguistics and discourse analysis, she has developed and analyzed several corpora of French spoken discourse. She is the author of Patterns Across Spoken and Written French: Empirical Research on the Interaction Among Forms, Functions, and Genres as well as numerous articles in sociolinguistics and foreign language teaching and acquisition.

672 pp., 8.5 x 11

Aug 2021

672 pp., 8.5 x 11

ISBN: 978-1-64712-212-6
Aug 2021

672 pp.

ISBN: 978-1-64712-207-2
Aug 2021

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