
Death, Resurrection, and Human Destiny

Christian and Muslim Perspectives

David Marshall and Lucinda Mosher, Editors
Afterword by Rowan Williams

"These essays offer a rich and complex study of death and the afterlife."—Anglican Theological Review
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Death, Resurrection, and Human Destiny: Christian and Muslim Perspectives is a record of the 2012 Building Bridges seminar for leading Christian and Muslim scholars, convened by Rowan Williams, then Archbishop of Canterbury. The essays in this volume explore what the Bible and Qurān—and the Christian and Islamic theological traditions—have to say about death, resurrection, and human destiny. Special attention is given to the writings of al-Ghazali and Dante. Other essays explore the notion of the good death. Funeral practices of each tradition are explained. Relevant texts are included with commentary, as are personal reflections on death by several of the seminar participants. An account of the informal conversations at the seminar conveys a vivid sense of the lively, penetrating, but respectful dialogue which took place. Three short pieces by Rowan Williams provide his opening comments at the seminar and his reflections on its proceedings. The volume also contains an analysis of the Building Bridges Seminar after a decade of his leadership.

Table of Contents

David Marshall

Rowan Williams

Part I: Surveys
Death, Resurrection, and Human Destiny in the Bible
N. T. Wright

Response to N. T. Wright
Reza Shah-Kazemi

Response to Reza Shah-Kazemi
N. T. Wright

Death, Resurrection, and Human Destiny: Qur'ānic and Islamic Perspectives
Mona Siddiqui

Response to Mona Siddiqui
Jane Dammen McAuliffe

Death, Resurrection, and Human Destiny in the Islamic Tradition
Asma Afsaruddin

Response to Asma Afsaruddin
Gavin D’Costa

Death, Resurrection, and Human Destiny in the Christian Tradition
Geoffrey Rowell

Response to Geoffrey Rowell
Feras Hamza

Dying Well: Christian Faith and Practice
Harriet Harris

Response to Harriet Harris
Recep Şentürk

A Muslim’s Perspective on the Good Death, Resurrection, and Human Destiny
Sajjad Rizvi

Death and the Love of Life: A Response to Sajjad Rizvi
Miroslav Volf

Rowan Williams

Part II: Texts and Commentaries
1 Corinthians 15

St. Paul on the Resurrection: 1 Corinthians 15
Richard A. Burridge

Selected Qur’ānic Texts

Commentary on Selected Qur’ānic Texts
Muhammad Abdel Haleem

Selected Passages from al-Ghazālī’s The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife

Al-Ghazālī on Death
Tim Winter

Selected Passages from Dante’s The Divine Comedy

The Afterlife as Presented by Dante Alighieri in The Divine Comedy
Dennis McAuliffe

Selected Passages from Journey to the Afterlife

Muslim Funerals
Musharraf Hussain

Contemporary Funeral Liturgy in the Church of England

Christian Funerals
Michael Ipgrave

Conversations in Canterbury
David Marshall

Rowan Williams

Personal Reflections on Death

A Decade of Appreciative Conversation: The Building Bridges Seminar under Rowan Williams
Lucinda Mosher



"These essays offer a rich and complex study of death and the afterlife."—Anglican Theological Review

"Contrary to popular opinion, the death of Christian-Muslim dialogue is greatly exaggerated! This record of the eleventh Building Bridges seminar demonstrates the vitality of serious Muslim and Christian engagement over matters of shared interest and concern, particularly over matters of life and death. The chapters in this work are academically sound and the personal reflections intimately profound. This volume demonstrates that it is extremely valuable and possible to build lasting and intimate relationships between Christians and Muslims, and that there is much to be gained through steady and sustained encounters as a continuing process."—David D. Grafton, professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations, The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia


Asma Afsaruddin Richard Burridge Gavin D’Costa Muhammad Abdel Haleem Feras Hamza Harriet Harris Musharraf Hussain Michael Ipgrave David Marshall Dennis McAuliffe Jane Dammen McAuliffe Lucinda Mosher Sajjad Rizvi Geoffrey Rowell Recep Şentürk Reza Shah-Kazemi Mona Siddiqui Miroslav Volf Rowan Williams Tim Winter N. T. Wright

Supplemental Materials


About the Author

David Marshall is director of the Anglican Episcopal House of Studies and associate professor of the practice of Christian-Muslim relations, Duke Divinity School, and the academic director of the Building Bridges seminar.

Lucinda Mosher is the faculty associate for interfaith studies, Hartford Seminary, and the assistant academic director of the Building Bridges seminar.

160 pp., 6 x 9

Apr 2014

160 pp., 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-62616-030-9
Apr 2014

160 pp.

ISBN: 978-1-62616-055-2
Apr 2014

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