
Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (GURT) 2000: Linguistics, Language, and the Professions

Education, Journalism, Law, Medicine, and Technology

James E. Alatis, Heidi E. Hamilton, and Ai-Hui Tan, Editors

"Language is at the heart of professional work. Here is a book that shows what can be achieved when expert linguists really engage with professional practice across a wide terrain."—Nikolas Coupland, Professor and Chair, Centre for Language and Communication Research, Cardiff, Wales
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The 2000 Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics brought together distinguished linguists from around the globe to discuss applications of linguistics to important and intriguing real-world issues within the professions. With topics as wide-ranging as coherence in operating room communication, involvement strategies in news analysis roundtable discussions, and jury understanding of witness deception, this resulting volume of selected papers provides both experts and novices with myriad insights into the excitement of cross-disciplinary language analysis. Readers will find—in the words of one contributor—that in such cross-pollination of ideas, "there's tremendous hope, there's tremendous power and the power to transform."

Table of Contents



"This comprehensive volume provides both scholars and practitioners with an overview of the most recent and important research in the field of professional discourse. The many aspects of communication between insiders and outsiders and between professionals and their clients illustrate the complexity of such discourses and provide essential modes of understanding. This book is a 'must' for anyone working in this field!"—Ruth Wodak, professor of linguistics, University of Vienna, Austrian Academy of Science

"Language is at the heart of professional work. Here is a book that shows what can be achieved when expert linguists really engage with professional practice across a wide terrain."—Nikolas Coupland, Professor and Chair, Centre for Language and Communication Research, Cardiff, Wales


James E. Alatis Heidi E. Hamilton Shirley Brice Heath John R. Rickford Allan Bell Roger W. Shuy Richard M. Frankel Lee Lubbers Nkonko M. Kamwangamula Leslie C. Moore Laura Sterponi Stacy Krainz David Singleton Patrick Grommes Rainer Dietrich Anne-Marie Currie Jocelyn Cohan Larisa Zlatic Adele W. Miccio Carol Scheffner Hammer Almeida Jacqueline Toribio

Supplemental Materials


About the Author

James E. Alatis is distinguished professor of linguistics and modern Greek, and dean emeritus, School of Languages and Linguistics at Georgetown University, as well as director of the MAT Program and department vice-chair.

Heidi E. Hamilton is associate professor of sociolinguistics at Georgetown University.

Ai-Hui Tan is the coordinator of the Georgetown Round Table on Languages and Linguistics, 2000.

288 pp., 6 x 9

May 2002

288 pp., 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-0-87840-373-8
May 2002

288 pp.

ISBN: 978-1-58901-855-6
May 2002

Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics series

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