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In Search of the Whole

Twelve Essays on Faith and Academic Life

John C. Haughey, SJ, Editor

"Clerics and laypersons, women and men, scientists and humanist combine to make of this volume a genuinely catholic and potent mix of scholarship and individual witness."
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The contributors to this inspiring anthology meet the challenge that everyone faces: that of becoming a whole person in both their personal and professional lives. John C. Haughey, SJ, has gathered twelve professionals in higher education from a variety of disciplines—philosophy, theology, health care, business, and administration. What they have in common reflects the creative understanding of the meaning of “catholic” as Haughey has found it to operate in Catholic higher education.

Each essay in the first six chapters describes how its author has assembled a unique whole from within his or her particular area of academic competence. The last six chapters are more autobiographical, with each author describing what has become central to his or her identity. All twelve are “anticipating an entirety” with each contributing a coherence that is as surprising as it is delightful.

Table of Contents


Part One: Whole as Task

1. Wholeness Through Science, Justice, and Love,
Patrick H. Byrne

2. From Discovery to Risk
Cynthia Crysdale

3. Professional Education as Transformation,
Robert J. Deahl

4. Learning to Love the Law of the Sea
William P. George

5. Catholicity and Faculty Seminars
Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Liddy

6. The “Real World” of Business
J. Michael Stebbins

Part Two: Whole as Identity

7. Attaining Harmony as a Hindu-Christian,
Michael Amaladoss

8. Arriving at a Christocentric Universe,
Ilia Delio

9. Le Petit Philosophe,
Patrick A. Heelan

10. Towards a Catholic Christianity: A Personal Narrative,
Michael McCarthy

11. The Hunting and the Haunting,
Peter Steele

12. Attaining Harmony with the Earth,
Cristina Vanin


List of Contributors



"Clerics and laypersons, women and men, scientists and humanist combine to make of this volume a genuinely catholic and potent mix of scholarship and individual witness."—America Magazine

"In Search of the Whole is an invaluable resource for Catholic higher education, combining academic rigor and richly personal reflection. Illustrating the many ways in which these fine contributing scholars have engaged with and productively affected the Catholic intellectual tradition, this collection provides hope for the future and food for thought in equal measure. It will be of great help to those faculty and administrators who are comfortable with or questioning the Catholic tradition, but who see the future in terms of dialogue, not silos."—Paul Lakeland, Rev. Aloysius P. Kelley, SJ Professor of Catholic Studies, Fairfield University


Supplemental Materials


About the Author

John C. Haughey, SJ, is a senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University. He is the author of Where Is Knowing Going? The Horizons of the Knowing Subject, which was named the 2010 Best Book in Education by the Catholic Press Association.

232 pp., 6 x 9

Sep 2011

232 pp., 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-58901-781-8
Sep 2011

232 pp.

ISBN: 978-1-58901-796-2
Sep 2011

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