

Italian Language and Culture through Film

Cristina Pausini and Carmen Merolla

"Fourteen contemporary Italian films, carefully selected to represent a variety of genres and cultural themes and accompanied by a myriad of activities to meet all teaching and learning strategies: this is the core of Interpretazioni, an essential text for any Italian studies program based on the interconnection of language and culture. As the authors note in their introduction, the title 'Interpretazioni,' with its double meaning in Italian, reflects the purpose of this text: refining students' critical skills in analyzing both the act of performance and the film as a text. This is achieved through an ingenious scaffolding design of exercises that are suitable for their variety and flexibility both for the intermediate and the advanced language class. Interpretazioni fills a void in Italian studies and will be much welcomed by teachers and students alike."— Daniela Bartalesi-Graf, lecturer, Department of Italian Studies, Wellesley College
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Interpretazioni is an intermediate- to advanced-level Italian textbook that aims to teach language through film, focusing on Italian movies from 2010 to 2017. Teaching language through cinema is a widespread and proven practice that engages all four main language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing), and Interpretazioni utilizes the proven format and pedagogy of Pausini and Antonello Borra's previous book, Italian Through Film (Yale UP, 2003), which is regarded highly among teachers. Films featured in Interpretazioni span genres, address a wide range of themes, and are set in various parts of Italy, encouraging students and teachers to more fully engage with the complexity of Italian cinema. As in Italian through Film, the activities based on the films are divided into three main categories (before, during, and after viewing the film) with a natural progression from warm-up questions to closed and controlled exercises to open-ended and creative tasks–both oral and written–including grammar practice, all within the context of each single film. An instructor's manual with answer keys and suggestions on using apps for teaching is available on the website.

Table of Contents

Guida ai film
Vocabolario essenziale e attività per parlare di film

1. Benvenuti al Sud
2. Un altro mondo
3. Il rosso e il blu
4. Il ragazzo invisibile
5. Corpo celeste
6. Terraferma
7. La mafia uccide solo d’estate
8. Io e lei
9. Noi e la Giulia
10. Scusate se esisto!
11. Perfetti sconosciuti
12. La pazza gioia
13. Quo vado?
14. Tutto quello che vuoi

Le autrici


"Fourteen contemporary Italian films, carefully selected to represent a variety of genres and cultural themes and accompanied by a myriad of activities to meet all teaching and learning strategies: this is the core of Interpretazioni, an essential text for any Italian studies program based on the interconnection of language and culture. As the authors note in their introduction, the title 'Interpretazioni,' with its double meaning in Italian, reflects the purpose of this text: refining students’ critical skills in analyzing both the act of performance and the film as a text. This is achieved through an ingenious scaffolding design of exercises that are suitable for their variety and flexibility both for the intermediate and the advanced language class. Interpretazioni fills a void in Italian studies and will be much welcomed by teachers and students alike."—Daniela Bartalesi-Graf , lecturer, Department of Italian Studies, Wellesley College



About the Author

Cristina Pausini is Senior Lecturer and Coordinator of the Italian Language Program at Tufts University. Previous books include Italian Through Film, Italian Through Film: The Classics, and Trame.

Carmen Merolla is a Full-Time Lecturer of Italian at Tufts University. Previous publications include the testing program of Caleidoscopio, by Daniela Bartalesi-Graf and Colleen Ryan.

240 pp., 7 x 10
28 color photos
Oct 2019

240 pp., 7 x 10
28 color photos
ISBN: 978-1-62616-684-4
Oct 2019

240 pp.
28 color photos
ISBN: 978-1-62616-685-1
Oct 2019

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