
Mastering Spanish through Global Debate

Nieves Pérez Knapp, Krishauna Hines-Gaither, and Morella Ruscitti-Tovar
Foreword by Emily Spinelli

"The unique focus on developing argumentative skills . . . is different from most books out there. . . The chapters are organized in a cohesive and consistent manner. . ."—Florencia Henshaw, Director of Advanced Spanish, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
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Building superior Spanish language proficiency through critical engagement with global challenges

Mastering Spanish through Global Debate is a one-semester textbook designed for students with Advanced-level Spanish language skills, moving toward Superior. Over the course of each chapter, students gain linguistic and rhetorical skills as they prepare to debate on broad, timely topics, including environmental consciousness, immigration, wealth distribution, surveillance and privacy, cultural diversity, and education. Discussion of compelling issues promotes not only linguistic proficiency but social responsibility through critical engagement with complex global challenges.

Each chapter includes topic-specific reading texts and position papers by writers from various Spanish-speaking countries. In addition to pre- and post-reading activities, students benefit from lexical development exercises, rhetorical methods sections, and listening exercises with audio available on the Press website. An online instructor’s manual provides pedagogical recommendations and an answer key.

Table of Contents

Recursos en línea
1. Medio ambiente y economía - Una economía en colores
Antes de la lectura
Estudiando el tema
Dominio del vocabulario
Construcción del discurso crítico
Comprensión auditiva
Construyendo el argumento: el proceso escrito
Construyendo el argumento: el proceso oral
2. Intervencionismo o aislamiento - El dilema de la democracia y el intervencionismo: la historia se repite
Antes de la lectura
Estudiando el tema
Dominio del vocabulario
Construcción del discurso crítico
Comprensión auditiva
Construyendo el argumento: el proceso escrito
Construyendo el argumento: el proceso oral
3. Redistribución de la riqueza o autosuficiencia - La brecha económica: ¿es posible una redistribución justa de la riqueza?
Antes de la lectura
Estudiando el tema
Dominio del vocabulario
Construcción del discurso crítico
Comprensión auditiva
Construyendo el argumento: el proceso escrito
Construyendo el argumento: el proceso oral
4. Conservación cultural o diversidad - Inmigración: ¿amenaza o pluralidad?
Antes de la lectura
Estudiando el tema
Dominio del vocabulario
Construcción del discurso crítico
Comprensión auditiva
Construyendo el argumento: el proceso escrito
Construyendo el argumento: el proceso oral
5. Seguridad nacional o libertad personal - Si vis pacem, para bellum
Antes de la lectura
Estudiando el tema
Dominio del vocabulario
Construcción del discurso crítico
Comprensión auditiva
Construyendo el argumento: el proceso escrito
Construyendo el argumento: el proceso oral
6. Educación formal o experiencia profesional - Claves del éxito: Educación o experiencia profesional
Antes de la lectura
Estudiando el tema
Dominio del vocabulario
Construcción del discurso crítico
Comprensión auditiva
Construyendo el argumento: el proceso escrito
Construyendo el argumento: el proceso oral
Apéndice A: Structuring a Debate 165
Apéndice B: Rubric for Writing and Speaking 169


"The unique focus on developing argumentative skills . . . is different from most books out there. . . The chapters are organized in a cohesive and consistent manner. . ."—Florencia Henshaw, Director of Advanced Spanish, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


Nieves Knapp is teaching professor of Spanish and Portuguese at Brigham Young University. Krishauna Hines-Gaither has taught Spanish since 1999.Currently, she is the Vice President for Equity, Diversity & Justice at Mount Saint Mary’s University-Los Angeles. She is the Past President of the Foreign Language Association of NC, and has chaired committees with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, including the African-American Student Special Interest Group. Morella Ruscitti-Tovar is assistant teacher professor of Spanish at the Pennsylvania State University.


About the Author

Nieves Knapp is teaching professor of Spanish and Portuguese at Brigham Young University.

Krishauna Hines-Gaither has taught Spanish since 1999.Currently, she is the Vice President for Equity, Diversity & Justice at Mount Saint Mary’s University-Los Angeles. She is the Past President of the Foreign Language Association of NC, and has chaired committees with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, including the African-American Student Special Interest Group.

Morella Ruscitti-Tovar is assistant teacher professor of Spanish at the Pennsylvania State University.

136 pp., 7 x 10
2 color photos
Jan 2023

136 pp., 7 x 10
2 color photos
ISBN: 978-1-64712-291-1
Jan 2023

136 pp.
2 color photos
ISBN: 978-1-64712-292-8
Jan 2023

Mastering Languages through Global Debate

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