
Sacred and Social

Theological Foundations for Catholic Social Teaching

Kenneth R. Himes

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A study of the deep historical roots of Catholic Social Teaching

What is often neglected in studies of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is the underlying theology that it presumes, especially the biblical and patristic roots that have forged a broader tradition of social thought than is found in the more recent writings of the Catholic hierarchy.

Sacred and Social fills this gap by providing an extended analysis of the Catholic understanding of the human person, especially the beliefs in human dignity and humanity's essentially social nature. Himes argues that, before the documents of the modern papacy, a rich tradition already shaped and informed the Catholic lens on social reality. He illustrates the theological basis for the ethical commitments of CST with the fundamental theological themes—creation, incarnation, Trinity, Body of Christ—that gave rise to the Catholic social imagination.

Table of Contents


"Himes articulates the foundational relationships between Catholic social thought and the basic creedal doctrines of our tradition in a richly insightful and broadly accessible manner. He examines the various elements of Catholic social thought through their historical development and, in doing so, moves us to a more integrated life of faith in the world today."—Daniel Finn, emeritus professor of economics and theology, St. John's University and the College of St. Benedict

"With this highly original volume, Fr. Himes once again makes a major contribution to the field of Catholic ethical thought. Readers will encounter rich new connections between the social justice teachings of the church and the deepest theological commitments and moral visions within Christian traditions. Highly accessible and recommended for any audience."—Thomas Massaro, SJ, McGinley Chair in Religion and Society, Fordham University

"A lucid presentation of the religious roots and practical implications of Catholic social teaching that shows how a theology of persons as inherently relational shapes Catholic thought on the common good, human rights, social justice, and environmental responsibility. A powerful response to key challenges of our time."—David Hollenbach, SJ, Georgetown University


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About the Author

Kenneth R. Himes, OFM, is Professor Emeritus in the Theology Department of Boston College, and a resident Franciscan scholar at Siena College in Albany. A former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, he is the editor of Modern Catholic Social Teaching.

352 pp., 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-64712-547-9
May 2025

352 pp., 6 x 9

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May 2025

352 pp.

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May 2025

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