
Spanish Second Language Acquisition

State of the Science

Barbara A. Lafford and Rafael Salaberry, Editors

"A comprehensive and well-presented account of the current state of the field of Spanish Second Language Acquisition. It is presented with great clarity and precision, and students of Spanish SLA will find in its pages a wealth of information on a wide range of topics."—Language, Culture, and Curriculum
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Spanish Second Language Acquisition provides a panoramic overview of previous studies on the acquisition of Spanish as a second or foreign language, the theoretical approaches used in these studies, and the effects of various pedagogical approaches on the development of Spanish interlanguage systems. Barbara Lafford and Rafael Salaberry have compiled the first volume to provide a comprehensive critical overview of the research done and data compiled on how adults acquire Spanish as a second language. Major scholars in the field of SLA have contributed chapters having to do with a wide range of "products" (phonology, tense/aspect, subjunctive, clitics, lexicon, discourse/pragmatics) and "processes" (generative, cognitive and sociocultural theories) involved in the acquisition process-concluding with a discussion of the effects of instruction on Spanish interlanguage development.

While being an invaluable reference tool for undergraduate and graduate programs that focus on the acquisition of Spanish as a second language, due to the extraordinary range of the review research on theoretical and methodological issues, this is also an extremely useful volume for second language theoreticians and practitioners involved in all aspects of the pedagogy of other second languages. It is the editors' desire that students, teachers, program administrators and scholars alike will benefit from the insights that the contributors bring to the myriad issues that language professionals confront.

Table of Contents

Barbara A. Lafford and Rafael Salaberry

Part I: Linguistic Topics: Products

1. Phonology
Staking Out the Territory at the Turn of the Century: Integrating Phonological Theory, Research, and the Effect of Formal Instruction on Pronunciation in the Acquisition of Spanish as a Second Language
A. Raymond Elliott

2. Tense/Aspect
The Development of Tense/Aspect Morphology in Spanish as a Second Language
Silvina Montrul and Rafael Salaberry

3. Subjunctive/Syntax
The Development of Subjunctive and Complex-Syntactic Abilities among Foreign Language Learners of Spanish
Joseph G. Collentine

4. Clitics
Cognitive and Linguistic Perspectives on the Acquisition of Object Pronouns in Spanish as a Second Langauge
James F. Lee

5. Lexicon
The Acquisition of Lexical Meaning by Second Language Learners: An Analysis of General Research Trends with Evidence from Spanish
Barbara A. Lafford, Joseph G. Collentine, and Adam S. Karp

6. Pragmatics/Discourse
Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis in Spanish Second Language Acquisition Research and Pedagogy
Dale A. Koike, Lynn Pearson, and Caryn Witten

Part II: Theoretical Perspectives: Processes

7. Generative Perspectives
Current Issues in the Gernerative Study of Spanish Second Language Syntax
Liliana Sánchez and Almeida Jacqueline Toribio

8. Cognitive Perspectives
Cognitive Perspectives on the Acquisition of Spanish as a Second Language
Paola E. Dussias

9. Sociocultural Perspectives
Sociocultural Theory and the Acquisition of Spanish as a Second Language
Marta Antón, Frederick J. Dicamilla, and James P. Lantolf

Part III: Methodological Perspectives

10. Instruction
The Role of Instruction in Spanish Second Language Acquisition
Charles Grove

Barbara A. Lafford and Rafael Salaberry



"A comprehensive and well-presented account of the current state of the field of Spanish Second Language Acquisition. It is presented with great clarity and precision, and students of Spanish SLA will find in its pages a wealth of information on a wide range of topics."—Language, Culture, and Curriculum

"The authors seem to have taken particular care in guiding the novice reader through myriad issues central to SLA, defining and explaining pertinent terminology along the way. This well-rounded reference is sure to be selected for a variety of undergraduate and graduate level courses in SLA, applied linguistics, and L2 pedagogy."—Studies in Second Language Acquisition

"This is an outstanding collection of papers on Spanish second language acquisition. The volume provides an overview and critical assessment of the major work done in this field to date. It will be an indispensable reference tool for those who want to keep up with current trends in the field of SLA in general, and Spanish SLA in particular."—Carol A. Klee, University of Minnesota


A. Raymond Elliott Silvina Montrul Rafael Salaberry Joseph G. Collentine James F. Lee Barbara A. Lafford Adam S. Karp Dale A. Koike Lynn Pearson Caryn Witten Liliana Sánchez Almeida Jacqueline Toribio Paola E. Dussias Marta Antón Frederic J. DiCamilla James P. Lantolf Charles Grove

Supplemental Materials


About the Author

Barbara A. Lafford is an associate professor of Spanish and Linguistics at Arizona State University and has published in the areas of Spanish sociolinguistics, second language acquisition (primarily lexical and discourse issues), second language pedagogy, the use of technology to enhance second language learning and the effects of study abroad experiences on the second language learner's acquisition process. She served as Associate Editor for the Applied Linguistics section of Hispania (1996-2002) and is the co-editor (with Michele Shockey) of Culture and Context: Perspectives on the Acquisition of Cultural Competence in the Foreign Language Classroom.

Rafael Salaberry is a professor of Spanish Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Texas in Austin. He is the author of The Development of Spanish Past Tense Morphology in a Classroom Environment and co-editor (with Yasuhiro Shirai) of The L2 Acquisition of Tense-Aspect Morphology. His main research interests are second language acquisition, second language assessment and the use of new technologies for pedagogical purposes. He is also the reviews editor of the journal Language Learning and Technology.

344 pp., 7 x 10
3 figures, 10 tables
Apr 2003

344 pp., 7 x 10
3 figures, 10 tables
ISBN: 978-0-87840-907-5
Apr 2003

344 pp.
3 figures, 10 tables
Apr 2003

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