
Theology without Borders

Essays in Honor of Peter C. Phan

Leo D. Lefebure, Editor
Foreword byThomas Banchoff

"Peter C. Phan has through his publications, mentorship, collegiality, and collaboration left an indelible mark on the field of theology and on the lives of countless religious believers and seekers. This collection offers a valuable introduction to his writings and a fitting tribute to his accomplishments."—Bradford E. Hinze, Karl Rahner SJ Professor of Theology, Fordham University
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A comprehensive series of essays exploring Peter C. Phan’s groundbreaking work to widen Christian theology beyond the Western world

Peter C. Phan’s wide-ranging contributions to theology and his pioneering work on religious pluralism, migration, and Christian identity have made a global impact on the field.

The essays in Theology without Borders offer a variety of perspectives across Phan’s fundamental work in eschatology, world christianity, interreligious dialogue, and much more. Together, these essays offer a comprehensive assessment of Phan’s groundbreaking work across a range of theological fields. Included in the conversation are discussions of world Christianity and migration, Christian identity and religious pluralism, Christian theology in Asia, Asian American theology, eschatology, and Phan’s lasting legacy.

Theology without Borders provides a welcome overview for anyone interested in the career of Peter C. Phan, his body of work, and its influence.

Table of Contents

Foreword, by Thomas Banchoff

Introduction: Celebration and a Memorial

Leo D. Lefebure

Part I: World Christianity and Migration

1. Peter C. Phan and the Reconstruction of World Christianity

Dale T. Irvin

2. Being Church among Asians: Perspective and Insights of the Asian Theology of the FABC

Anh Q. Tran, SJ

3. Between “Memory and Imagination”: Reimagining World Christianity without Borders

Jonathan Y. Tan

4. Christian Resilience and Vulnerable Migrants

Gemma Tulud Cruz

5. Wives Submitting to Husbands: Domestic Violence, Women, and the Christian Faith

Cristina Lledo Gomez

Part II: Christian Identity and Religious Pluralism

6. Dialogue and Reconciliation in the Renaissance and in Vatican II

John W. O’Malley, SJ

7. Interfaith Christology? Some Dogmatic Prolegomena

William P. Loewe

8. Interreligious Marriage as a Way of Being Religious Interreligiously

Chester Gillis

9. Peter Phan and Ecclesiology Beyond Borders

Brian P. Flanagan

10. Dialogue in a Multireligious and Political Ecosystem: Understanding Catholic Relations with Other Religions in Mainland China

Stephanie M. Wong

Part III: Eschatology

11. Migration and Eschatology in the Epistle to the Hebrews

Alan C. Mitchell

12. Waiting Outside Time? The Intermediate State

Brian M. Doyle

13. Eschatology: Peter Phan and Christian Expansivism

Keith Ward

Part IV: The Legacy of Peter C. Phan

14. Decentralizing Theology: The Second Vatican Council and Peter Phan

Debora Tonelli

15. Peter Phan and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Charles E. Curran

16. Being Honestly Pluralistically Religious

John Borelli

17. Counting the Uncountable: The Contributions of Peter C. Phan

Leo D. Lefebure

Epilogue, by Peter C. Phan

Appendix: Curriculum Vitae of Peter C. Phan



"Borders are erected to keep things out and to protect that which is within. Borders can also be limiting and isolating. Christian thought and practice can stagnate under such conditions. This book aims to offer a corrective, taking lead from the life and work of Peter Phan, imagining ways of self-conscious theologizing across borders, and bringing about a Christianity far richer for it."—Alexander Chow, Centre for the Study of World Christianity, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh

"Peter C. Phan has through his publications, mentorship, collegiality, and collaboration left an indelible mark on the field of theology and on the lives of countless religious believers and seekers. This collection offers a valuable introduction to his writings and a fitting tribute to his accomplishments."—Bradford E. Hinze, Karl Rahner SJ Professor of Theology, Fordham University

"[Theology without Borders] is a great read. Academics might use it to broaden their own syllabi, students will be introduced to areas that are likely unfamiliar to them. The random curious reader will have no trouble enjoying the contents."—Catholic Books Review


Thomas Banchoff, John Borelli, Gemma Tulud Cruz, Charles E. Curran, Brian M. Doyle, Brian P. Flanagan, Chester Gillis, Cristina Lledo Gomez, Dale T. Irvin, Leo D. Lefebure, William P. Loewe, Alan C. Mitchell, John W. O’Malley, Peter C. Phan, Jonathan Y. Tan, Debora Tonelli, Anh Q. Tran, SJ, Keith Ward, Stephanie M. Wong

Supplemental Materials


About the Author

Leo D. Lefebure holds the Matteo Ricci, SJ, Chair of Theology at Georgetown University. He is the author of the award-winning Transforming Interreligious Relations: Catholic Responses to Religious Pluralism in the United States. His other award-winning books include Revelation, the Religions, and Violence; True and Holy: Christian Scripture and Other Religions; and The Path of Wisdom: A Christian Commentary on the Dhammapada, coauthored with Peter Feldmeier. Lefebure is the president of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies, a research fellow of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a trustee emeritus of the Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions.

Peter C. Phan teaches at Georgetown University, where he currently holds the Ignacio Ellacuría, SJ, Chair of Catholic Social Thought. He has earned three doctorates and received four honorary doctorates. He is the first non-Anglo to be elected president of the Catholic Theological Society of America and of the American Theological Society. In 2020 he was given the John Courtney Murray Award, the highest honor of the Catholic Theological Society of America, in recognition for outstanding and distinguished achievement in theology. He is the author or editor of more than thirty-five books. His work has been translated into twelve languages.

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