Judith A. Dwyer: High-Impact Leadership in Catholic Education

October 7, 2024 / 5 mins read

In High-Impact Leadership in Catholic Education, Judith A. Dwyer draws upon her experience in teaching and administration in order to create a framework of effective plans and strategies for leaders in Catholic education. Read on for a Q&A with the author to learn more about her writing process, the creation of the book’s featured case studies, and advice for those going into academic administration.

How does your experience in educational leadership and management impact your writing?

An adage among authors states, “Write what you know.” My writing on educational leadership and management flows naturally from my extensive experience in these areas. I have confidence, therefore, in sharing “lessons learned” in the hope that these principles, strategies, and tactics may help prepare our next generation of Catholic school leaders.

What factored into your decision to frame the book as an overarching approach to leadership responsibilities as opposed to a very detailed breakdown of specific processes?

I thought the book’s overarching approach would provide the most comprehensive look at the extensive scope of responsibilities that every president faces when leading a school at any educational level (K-12, university). The many challenges are serious and complex and involve the safety and well-being of students, the school’s reputation, significant financial implications, and many other critical factors. Those who aspire to be a Catholic school president should be encouraged to prepare for the substantial scope of this role.

How did you create fictional case studies for each chapter?

I thought it helpful for the reader to think through hypothetical cases that reflect problematic situations a school president frequently encounters. While every situation is unique, patterns emerge during one’s career; for instance, challenges often involve finances or personnel matters. It is a valuable practice for a president or senior administrator to develop a way of thinking that anticipates problems and examines dilemmas from many angles.

What inspired you to focus on Catholic education?

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of serving in Catholic education at many levels, and my belief in its importance is unwavering. Catholic education contributes immeasurably to the Church and broader society through its faith-based mission, rich history, significant present-day accomplishments, and exceptional future possibilities. Our Catholic schools deserve strong leaders who inspire our communities, especially our students. I hope my book helps foster, in some modest way, this type of high-impact leadership.

Since the book is mentioned for aspiring or new academic presidents, what advice would you give them?

Always anticipate a learning curve when assuming a new presidency or senior leadership position. Have confidence in yourself and the past experiences that have prepared you for this new level of responsibility. Don’t hesitate to seek advice from trusted sources.